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Expense Receipts in Excel

Expense receipts can be downloaded directly from an Excel export. To see it in action:

  1. Use the “All Individual Expenses” predefined report to create a report with expense receipts.
  2. For any expense with a receipt, the last column in that report holds a link to the expense receipt attachment(s).
  3. Export the report to Excel (Export -> Export to Excel)
  4. The last column in the Excel report contains a link to download any attachments.

API endpoint added for downloading Expense receipts

A new endpoint for downloading receipts via the API is added. Individual expense receipts can be downloaded or all the expense receipts for a particular expense as a ZIP archive.

You can query for the required expense ID or expense receipt ID using the Report endpoint. Supply an EXPENSE_ID or EXPENSE_RECEIPT column to get the desired identifiers.

Take note that the Report endpoint (/v1/report) is just a rename of the Time endpoint (/v1/hours). When you are using the Time endpoint, please change the URL to point to /v1/report. The old Time endpoint is still active but is marked as deprecated in the documentation. In a far, far future it will be removed.


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